Please contact us via email to the relevant people listed below:

Founder & Honorary Life President
Christopher Wright

Club Chairman
Paddy Shanahan

Coordinator EAWF 50+
Jonathan Syed 

Coordinator EAWF 60+
Stuart Meakin

Coordinator EAWF 65+
Paul Burn

Coordinator EAFC (running)
Marc Cruddace (Visit our sister site at

Coordinator EAWWF (women’s WF)
Katy Cutler (Visit our sister site at

Olhão Lead
John Knight

Tavira Lead
Toby Robinson

Leões Liaison
Mick Coleman

IT and Social Media Manager
Neil Morris

Club Laws of the Game & Referees Lead

Sponsorship, Public Relations and Club Promotion
Jonathan Syed

Club Journalist
Martin Gershon

John Knight

Club Ethics and Conduct Group
Stuart Meakin
Andy Readshawe
Dave Sinclair
Patrick Browne

Club Kit and Equipment
Charlie Cousins

Subs Collection
Charlie Cousins
Roy McCrudden
Katy Cutler
Steve Johnson

External Liaison, Club Tours and Visiting Teams
Steve Ashcroft

Club Defibrillator Trained Operators
Training ongoing at present

General Enquiries not covered above