The inaugural Olhao International Walking Football Tournament will be held on Thursday 15th to Friday 16th November 2018
The venue will be the Olhao Municipal Facility, a new outdoor facility with an artificial surface, excellent changing rooms, spectator seating, and café area.
The tournament will include an over 50s and an over 60s section, 3-touch walking football tournament, with matches to be two halves of 10 minutes with a 5-minute half-time break.
A League and Plate competition is envisaged.
Teams will be 7-a-side, with two substitutions allowed per match; squad size is at the individual team’s discretion.
The rules for the tournament will follow our standard EAWF laws of the game (found here).
Cost will be 60 Euros (£50) per team to cover the costs of the referees, medical assistance and the like.
There will be a presentation evening on the Friday, and this will be a standard all-inclusive Algarvean function.
It is hoped that another social function could be organised on the Saturday, obviously being dependent on what is available on the day.
The Tournament is in conjunction with the local authority and tourist board who are at present negotiating cheap hotel rates.
There has been interest shown for the event from Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar and the UK, and we do envisage a friendly but very competitive tournament.
If you or your Walking Football team would like further details or confirm entry of a team(s) for the above event, please contact the Tournament Organiser at your earliest convenience by emailing