It is our intention, subject to any further restrictions imposed by the local or national authorities, to return to our pre-Covid-19 schedule.
This will be:
- Mondays 9.30–11.30 walking football open to all walking footballers. Contact: Mick Coleman ().
- Tuesdays 9.30–11.30 walking football 60+ open to walking footballers over 60 years of age only. Contact: Mo ().
- Wednesdays 9.30–11.30 running football currently by invitation.Contact: Andy Smith (.
- Thursdays 9.30–11.30 walking football open to all walking footballers. Contact: Mo ().
This schedule will start the week commencing 7th September.
All sessions will include the first 30 minutes of warm up stretching and ball work.
All players are asked to bring a light and a dark top or their yellow hi vis jacket.
All sessions are limited currently by law to 20 people max. in the enclosed arena.
All sessions will, for now, take place at Olhanense Stadium in Olhão.
Any play will have a restriction on tackling and being close to another player.
All sessions will need to be booked in advance to the named person responsible for the session you wish to attend (as listed above).
As there is a limit on the numbers at each session we will not be able to accept anyone just turning up on the day.
There may be further conditions of play which will be posted in due course.
There are a number of people working on getting as close, as legally allowed, to pre-Covid-19 playing conditions.
Please accept that the conditions imposed are legally required and are non-negotiable.