Another one of those “everything is changing” posts from us!
However, this one is better news (hopefully)! From Monday December 14th we are reverting to our normal schedule of sessions again as Tavira is now open for business and allowing us to use their facilities.
Our sessions from Monday December 14th will therefore be as follows (all from 9.30 am to 11.30 am):
Mondays: Walking football over 50s at Olhão
Tuesdays: Running football at Tavira (with East Algarve FC)
Wednesday: Walking football over 60s at Olhão
Thursday: Walking football over 50s at Tavira
Hopefully this will be the last time things change for a while (but obviously we cannot guarantee what may happen in the future).
Please check the calendar for all session details.
Please note that the sessions tomorrow, Thursday and Friday (9th, 10th and 11th December) will continue as previously advertised. Again, see the calendar for full details
Once again we thank you all for your patience in these difficult times