East Algarve Walking Football (EAWF) and East Algarve FC members recently raised over €600 to purchase football boots for kids from the Cape Verde islands
Adilson “Didi” Morais, one of our EAFC players, approached us to ask if we could donate some money to help the kids his brothers coach in Cape Verde since they currently play with no footwear. Our charity committee loved the idea, but were unfortunately unable to help since it wasn’t for a group or organisation in the Algarve.
Undeterred, Mick Coleman took it on himself to raise the funds through collections from members directly at some of our sessions. Over three or four sessions the club raised over €600 from the members which has paid for the purchase of 32 pairs of boots and the cost of shipping them all to Cabo Verde (the boots that is, not the members!).

Shopping for the boots
This weekend the boots are on their way and should arrive with the next week or so.

Packed up and ready to go…
A great job from all concerned, and well done to those who donated.

The kids playing in Cabo Verde