As already notified, there are many roles that need to be filled for the continued successful running of the club.

A lot of work goes on behind the scenes so in an effort to explain this Paddy has made up a list of both committee and non-committee roles. It is vital that as many members as possible get involved in the running of the club and the best way to do this is to attend the AGM.

Some roles are larger than others. Some are only occasional roles which require minimal input. However, they still need to be done. So we would ask as many people as possible to turn up for the AGM. To remind you it is on January 28th in Charette in Cabanas at 6pm. If you are unable to attend but wish to be involved then you can contact Paddy Shanahan directly prior to the AGM. Everyone is welcome to get involved and no one will be overburdened with work.

EAFC/EAWF Roles (* Committee Members)

  • Club Chairman *
  • Coordinator WF 50+ *
  • Coordinator WF 60+ *
  • Coordinator WF 65+ *
  • Coordinator for running football *
  • Coordinator Ladies *
  • External Liaison, Club Tours & Visiting Teams * (Manage the ‘Club Diary’ to include ALL dates)
  • Olhao Lead (Pitch Lead including Olhanense Liaison} *
  • Tavira Lead * (co-ordinating the weekly sessions)
  • Tavira Pitch Lead (including Leos / Ginasio Liaison) *
  • Club Rules & Referees Lead including Forms required under GDPR *
  • Sponsorship, PR and Club Promotion *
  • Club Kit & Equipment (incorporating Club Bibs & Kits) *
  • Club Journalist *
  • Finance Lead *
  • Club Ethics & Conduct Group Lead *
  • Club and Benevolence Charity Group Lead *
  • Social Secretary *
  • Liaison for when we get the company/association fully set up *

Non-Committee Roles:

  • President (Lifetime Honorary): Chris Wright
  • 2 for the Charity Group, along with the lead who sits on committee
  • 2 for the Club Ethics & Conduct Group along with the lead who sits on committee
  • Person to take notes at AGM, Committee meetings and post on App and Website
  • Club Defibrillator Trained Operators
  • Subs Collection (By location)
  • IT & Social Media Manager