To keep you all informed about the current situation, and where we go in the future, here is the latest news on our weekly sessions.
As a club, EAWF obviously has to work within the decrees set out by the Portuguese Government and Local Authorities.
In this regard, the sessions next week will continue as they are, i.e. training and fitness sessions only on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (7–9 July) in line with our previous statement. We can now increase the numbers, though, to 20 people at each session. Bookings should still be made by phone as outlined in our previous release (click here). We are being more flexible regarding the age groups at each session, so please contact the relevant person for the day you wish to attend.
We are expecting a further statement from the Government on Tuesday July 14th that may (we emphasise the word may) allow us to resume more normal activities, but until we get a definitive answer we have to carry on as we are (regardless of what others may be doing). We also do not yet know when the facilities at Tavira will open again.
We will endeavour to keep you all informed as quickly as we can in these constantly changing times. Please check the website and our Facebook page regularly to keep up-to-date.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding.